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Head Coach and Owner of Norsub Crossfit

Norsub Crossfit has given me a platform to use fitness and nutrition to help everyone ready and willing to regain their physical and mental health and steer them away from a long list of chronic illnesses.

Over the past 10 years, I have gained a lot of knowledge and equipped myself with the necessary tools to help others as a Coach. My goal is to rehabilitate a consistent lifestyle, implement plans, keep them accountable, and coach our members in proper movement patterns and healthy food choices.



  • CrossFit Level 1 & Level 2

  • Strongman

  • 10 Years of Crossfit experience

  • 7 years as a CrossFit Affiliate owner

  • CrossFit Games Semifinals Individual Athlete

Coaching is a passion, it’s a full time job that i absolutely love doing, seeing someone walk in on day 1 and following their journey at becoming the very best version of themself. From the most elite levels of athletes to the most sedentary person, we all desire the same type of movements, it only differs by the degree. Coaches are special people, people who wish the best for others, mentally and physically. Being able to break down the most complex movements into it’s progressions and teaching it to someone takes skill, patience and the ability to see where and how to fix faults. Your member’s movements and appearance becomes a direct representation of your work and effort.


  • Accredited Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach

With a great love for knowing how things work internally, i decided to get my credentials in this course, purely because of how well the course is put together and comprehensive the resources are when graduating. Helping others make better choices and having the resources to keep them on track is a huge benefit, as this service is best accompanied by sound programming and expert coaching. Norsub CrossFit becomes the 1 stop shop for anyone who wants to rehabilitate their lifestyle and transform themselves.

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